Hello, my name is Jason Wilson. I am a journalist, who has published in all kinds of places. I am an Australian born male human living in beautiful Portland, Oregon.

To my eternal shame, I have a Twitter account.

I have taken out a pro subscription here at write.as, which gives me three blogs!

Anyone who wants a place to write and is bummed out by the drama at places like Substack should, imo, check it out as an option. It's very possible to monetize what you are doing here, it's simple and ad-free, it plays nicely with the “fediverse”, and you can have email subs.

I have plans for the other two blogs I am entitled to, but this is just a place for me to write something, anything, every day.

No special topic, no rules, not aiming to be controversial, just whatever occurs to me at the time. This is not an augmentation of my professional life. Posts will probably be short and typo-ridden.

Things I tend to be interested in talking to people about lately include:

But this is not an exclusive list! I am a bit of a magpie.

I have ticked the boxes for an RSS feed and email delivery, should you prefer to receive the treasury of my insight in those ways.

That's it, that's the post. More to come.